Friday, May 19, 2006

More Radio News

I just received an email from a friend telling me that you can now find Jagger, Dean, Mondo and Jasmine (formerly of the Morning Edge) on 105.3 Free FM in Dallas. I am not sure what the station is about. I only tuned in for a moment this evening online and it was all talk from what I could understand. Since I only listened to their morning show because it was on a rock station, I probably will not continue to listen to their morning show. But, just in case anybody is still curious about them, they can be found at 105.3 Free FM Dallas.
Thanks Wendy for the heads up!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Black Thursday

Ever have a day of the week that you just dread? Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job. But, dammit, I hate my Thursday uniform. Every Wednesday night I go to sleep thinking "Fucking A, it is Black Thursday tomorrow." And every Thursday I wake up thinking "Why does Black Thursday have to come every fucking week?" Why black? Well, I wear a uniform and every day is a different color. Thursday is, you guessed it, black. And, though scrubs are generally comfortable, these scrubs are cursed. Every other pair of pants I own, all the same brand, all the same size, all the same style fit perfectly fine, but these pants have decided to be my living nightmare. Not knowing any better, when I went to try on the uniform I only tried on one color. Ahh, if I only knew then what I know now. *sigh*

On a different note every day I resolve to actually knit something and finish it. And every day life gets in the way of fun. First of all, in case you haven't heard, we are - unfortunately - moving in with my mom. The one thing I thought I would never do again...thinking about it makes me want to cry. But, sometimes, you just have to do what you have to do. I had 6 great years mom free. Six fantastic, joyful, carefree years, just Aaron and I enjoying life. And the streak ends at the end of this month. So, you can tell by my ecstatic telling of this that I must be packing up a storm just itching to get into her house. I think I have one box packed. Got to take along the books.
And, aside from the moving, my job description at work has morphed in to a completely different position that what I was hired for. I am now the surgery scheduler. This is the first job that I have had that seriously scared me to think about taking on, but it turns out that it is not so bad. I guess it could be worse.

So, this weekend I will actually get some knitting done. Or, maybe, christen that sewing machine I got for Christmas that I was so happy to receive and even picked out myself.

Oh, and I have a few "new" music addictions. New for me anyways. I am really liking 30 Seconds To Mars (forget that Jared Leto is seriously hot) the music is really good. The first song that I heard was pretty good, now the new one is good as well. Their website plays a few songs, great. And I really like Shinedown's new song "I Dare You". I have been boycotting The Edge in the morning...and I only catch miniscule clips of The Edge in the afternoon...but I did catch Shinedown recently and I really enjoyed it. The lead singer's voice reminds me of Jibe - in case anyone out there remembers them. Wendy? You remember, right? We need to catch a concert again sometime soon. At least one this summer because it is pathetic that I haven't been to one in a really long time. =)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Aaahhh!!! It's a...snake?

So, a couple of weekends ago, Saturday, my sister calls me to tell me that I need to go with her to their house tomorrow because there is something in the master bedroom's closet that I need to look at. They are moving in, and I ask what is it? She tells me that they think there is a snake on the top shelf in the closet. Well, my husband hears me talking and gets out of bed. I ask him what he is doing. He rolls his eyes and tells me "Well, if it is a snake we have to go and take care of it." I think about it for a second and I agree. No point in having a snake roaming around their house. So, I tell April to stay at the house until we get there.
We arrive at the house with Aaron's snake catching tools in tow. April and my mom are sitting on the floor in the corner of the living room as far away from the master bedroom as possible.
"Has it moved?" I ask.
"How the hell should I know, I haven't gone back in there." Was April's reply.
What was the point of having them stick around? I have no idea. That is my family for you. Even my brother, who was there at the time they found the snake, refused to catch it or kill it. Opting instead to let it languish in its comfortable den atop the shelf in the closet.
We set up the stool in the closet and I get up. Looks like a snake to me. Aaron gets up and makes a sound of disgust. He picks up the snake with a pair of tongs and laughs. Ahh, lo and behold, the snake is a...drum roll please...a piece of fabric. Aaron promptly runs out into the living room and throws the "snake" at my mom and April. They scream, he laughs.
Exciting weekend.
Aaron's snake fighting tools. ;P

Our lovely and terrifing snake.